About Me

I`m a chronic CH`er, living life and enjoying it. Want to share the life of a chronic.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Not the best day


Been feeling slightly depressed for the last days. Like from one day to another, i know there`s something going on when that happens. Been waking up during the night, very odd, how can i just wake up like someone push a "on" button like that? Anyways, been controlling it with Benadryl and Melatonin for some days. Woke up this morning with a mild one wich i controlled with energy drinks. Then i drove in a road they had new asphalt on then it just took off from there. Some days just seem to be like this no matter what we do or don`t do. That`s life. I`m a pacer, i pace.

Let`s hope tomorrow will be a better day.



Thursday, September 29, 2011


Coenzym Q10


Once my hands start to get cold and odd, or first sign of body stiffness or insomnia i take Q10. My hands get warm after 15-30 min, improves sleep. One period about a year ago i did high doses, 90 mg three times a day. I tapered down to one every dose, in the end i had one a day. Now i take them occasionally.

Taurin capsules


Usually I do one in the morning and one more later on, in the middle of the day. If i have a bad morning i do two at once or i do one cap and one energy drink.

Norwegian food, Komle

I talked with Cindy and Chris about Norwgian food, remember? This is Komle, it`s a sort of potato ball boiled in salty water, usualy the water the salty lambs meat was boiled in. The orange veggie is Swede, at least what google translate tells me it is. Bacon and sausage. Mmmmm..... Looks disgusting i know, but it`s sooo nice. If anyone ever go to Norway, try this.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tools, one of them


If you have not tried Benadryl for shadows, try it. Benadryl makes it possible for me to eat food triggers, moderate of course but it realy helps. Also it helps to get to sleep. Two Benadryl at bedtime, sometimes together with Melatonin. Helps. Worth to give a try. They actually help so much that i brought home a bag full in my luggage, lol :-)

My head has calmed down after my travel, now i feel tired for some reason, i almost never feel tired. Have been eating allot, could be the reason. Now that i have Benadryl i allow myself to eat food i usually never touch. Had sausage for dinner today. A couple of months till next time i do that. My daughter was VERY happy. She said: "This is a good dinner. Not like mmm healthy for you good but it`s good. You understand what i mean mom"?. She`s sweet.

Jeebs, i think that squirrel stole something. He looked that way!! :-)

Good night, time for bed.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Answer comment

My entire life B!! My entire life!!! And i live in Norway!!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

This and that

This was the incredible cool retro blanket i got on the auction. Jennifer made this.

This is real food!! Fresh springroll with veggies, shrimps and chicken. Not fried or anything, just fresh. Oh well, shrimps and chicken are steamed. Tast marvelous. (Pretend my car is very tidy thank you)

Tried to get the guys to pose, well you can see how that went.

Graham continued to have this awesome posing
Accompanied by his brother Steve. I think they just got themselves new cameras.
Realizing i\m not that good shooting pictures.

The Bean

Standing underneath in the middle of The Bean

Me and my twin Me

Could be fun to go to a concert here, the things you see crossing over have speakers on it. Watch the guys are posing again.

The side of the bridge where The Bean was

Fist time i saw a squirrel.

Navy pier, realizing once again i am not a great photographer, look at the skyline in the pic underneath. LOL.

Steve had a ride in that  Paris wheel thing back there.

Steven takeing pics

It says Chicago

Run Forrest run. They had T-shirts saying that in there.
Graham, me and Steve here had a really really good time together in  Chicago. I hope we will meet again!! If they won`t come to a conference i will visit them in UK. Not that long travel from Norway.

I would like to thank the hole group. It was so nice to spend time with other CH`ers. I will never forget it and you gave me an energizing boost. You are the best. Love to all of you.

Thank you :-)

Not my Travel blog anymore. Just my blog.


So i made up my mind this will not be just a travel blog, i will continue to blog cause i find it to be enjoyable. It will be about anything, in other words life in general. You know and i know that a CH`er do more than one little grip in life to manage.. And we are strong people, i think we deserve to put faces to this that more than one time has challenged us, cause we are doing GREAT!!




Friday, September 23, 2011

Answer to comment

I did get that cool retro blanket Jennifer made!! The birds house just didn`t fit in my suitcase. Just couldn\t find room for it. Too bad....

Glad to hear people having positive responses with the Schisandra. think i will make a post about my supplement regime. I did try out allot of supplements very systemic, so maybe it could be of interest.

Good night to all


Wonderful feelings

What i love most of all is listening to my daughter when she sings. She sits in her bed, watching a movie while she draws. And sings. She sings out loud and she`s so happy and proud. Of course it`s wonderful. Her voice is one of a kind, she doesn`t care so much about hitting tones and get the words right, but she don`t mind. As she says, i can sing so it doesn`t matter. This is happiness :-)

Open your heart to happiness, it get filled with bits of happiness every time, in the end it is what fills it.

I believe in faith and follow what your heart tells you. Sometimes that means taking risks. Maybe. We cannot know, all we can do is take a chance.



Thursday, September 22, 2011

Back home


Back home, slept for 13 h!!  Hardly slept being in Chicago and i didn`t take my chance on napping on my way home. Knowing i will be in an airplane for the next 11 h i will do what i can to not get hit!! But now i`m all rested and ready to start my old regime with exercise and healthy eating again. YAY:-)

I have been thinking, 65 attending out of 1400 isn`t that many. Why are we not more attenders? Is it cause most people attend only once? If so why? We should be thinking of this. Did anyone new leave the conference without getting enough information about the treatment? Hope not, but i know that`s a fact unfortunatly. We have to avoid, that in my opinion. If we want to grow and come forth we have to find a way so people aren`t leaving or getting passive in the same speed as new members sign up. It kind of looks like that is a thing as i seen it at least in the period  been in.

What can we do?

Here you can read a bit about the herbs i use. If the translation is bad, blame google translate. Enjoy!!



Schisandra chinensisThe fruits of this plant is regarded as one of the premier adaptogen funds that are available and can be used in a variety of physical and mental imbalances.
Home> Herbal Medicine> Articles> Schisandra

A popular herb in ChinaChinese women have long been known to praise Schisandra. Especially the women in the Emperor's court, and other women who practiced the art of beauty, loved Schisandra because of the herb beauty-enhancing qualities. But both men and women used it to achieve greater strength and alertness. Schisandra is a safe and powerful tonikum also seems mild sedative, and analgesic properties. If the herb is used continuously for 100 days or more, it is said that Schisandra purifies blood, strengthens memory, it seems rejuvenating the kidney energy (which especially manifests itself in sexual function in both women and men), and can make skin radiant beauty. Schisandra is in widespread use to beautify the skin and protect it from sun and wind's harmful effects. Because of Schisandra astringent effect, the skin retain moisture and remain beautiful. The herb has always been popular with wealthy men and women in China because of the youth preserving and rejuvenating effect.The Chinese name of the plant tells us a lot about the qualities of this herb. Wu wei zi means "fruit of five tastes." Schisandra possesses all five classic flavors (sour, bitter, sweet, pungent and salty) and the essence of all the five basic energies (wood, fire, earth, metal and water). Schisandra also has an impact on all the 12 meridians in the body. The herb is treated as a health-promoting tonikum in line with ginseng (Panax ginseng) and Reishi / varnish-Bracket (Ganoderma lucidum).A sexual stimulant herbIt is said that Schisandra increases the "water-qi" in the kidneys. In particular, it could increase the flow rate in the genital organs. It is claimed that it increases the production of sperm, and is known to prevent premature ejaculation, it removes sexual fatigue and increases the sexual power of men. Therefore, Schisandra an ingredient in most sexual strength drugs in Asian herbal medicine.Women also benefit from the same ability to increase the "water-qi" in the kidneys. Schisandra is said to increase both blood flow and sensitivity of the female genitals. Many women claim to experience a greater warmth and sensitivity after using Schisandra for a certain period. Schisandra is said to have afrodisierende properties for both men and women, especially when combined with other kidney tonic herbs. Furthermore, Schisandra one of the most important astringent herbs in Chinese herbal medicine. An astringent herb binds moisture, and in the case of Schisandra, it seems that it gathers up the sex fluids until it is needed. So by consuming Schisandra over a longer period should therefore be able to build up the amount of sexual fluids.
Dried Schisandra fruit-

A stimulating herbThis herb is considered one of the best means of strengthening the mind. It is used to sharpen concentration, to improve memory and increase awareness. But unlike caffeine-containing stimuli, will not Schisandra could give nervous reactions. Some people will experience Schisandra as mild sedative while remain vigilant.Schisandra seems detoxifyingSchisandra is one of the primary detoxifying herbs in Chinese herbal medicine, and it helps particularly to detoxify the liver. Moreover, it is believed that when one takes Schisandra regularly, it is possible to remove toxins from the body before they have chance to do significant damage. In particular, alcohol extracts of Schisandra are believed to protect liver damage from toxins. Herb promote the regeneration of liver tissue and the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids. It is assumed that Schisandra liver protective effect also due to its ability to regenerate mitochondria in liver cells. It can also increase the strength of cell membranes, thereby reducing their permeability, which leads to less leakage of enzymes into the blood stream.One of the best adaptogenene

Schisandra is considered one of the premier adaptogen funds. In the same way as roseroot (Rhodiola rosea), ginseng (Panax ginseng), Russian root (Eleutherococcus senticosus) and gynostemma (Gynostemma pentaphyllum) will Schisandra increase the body and the mind's resistance to acute or chronic stress. Schisandra has in laboratory animals and in tests on humans, shown to have a stimulating effect on the nervous system. Many studies indicate that Schisandra has a powerful balancing or regulating effect on the entire central nervous system. Studies in humans have shown that Schisandra can improve vision, and even expand the visual field, in addition to better hearing.It has been documented that human intellectual activity is stimulated and work efficiency is increased by intake of Schisandra. Various studies have shown that ingested in moderate therapeutic doses may give strength by means of various activities requiring concentration, fine motor skill, sensitivity and endurance. The studies that confirm these results deals with everything from sewing needles to take to run a marathon.Schisandra has been shown to have significant respiratory tonic function. It can cause your breath is both deeper and more powerful. The plant also has significant expectorant and calming effect.
There are big differences in quality of Schisandra. Find the fruits of good quality, so it pays to acquire a stock, for they are among the best available of restorative herbal medicine. Schisandra is also available in the form of capsules or tablets.
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For more information and references, see the facts page of Schisandra.Capsules of Schisandra can be purchased in Urtekildens shop.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

RUSSIAN ROOTSEleutherococcus senticosus
OTHER NORWEGIAN NAMESSiberian ginseng, taigarot.
SCIENTIFIC NAME / SYNONYMSEleutherococcus senticosus Maxim.Acanthopanax senticosus (Rupr. & Maxim.) Harms.Acanthopanax EleutherococcusHedera senticosus Rupr. & Maxim.
NAME OF OTHER LANGUAGESSWEDISH: Rysk root.DANISH: Russian Rod.FINNISH: Venäjänjuuri, Siperian ginseng.ENGLISH: Siberian Ginseng, Eleuthero, Eleutherococcus, Ussurian Thorny Pepper Bush, Taiga Root, Devil's Shrub, Shigoka, Touch-Me-Not.GERMAN: Teufelsbusch, Taigawurzel, Stachelpanax.FRENCH: Éleuthérocoque.CHINESE: Ci Wu Jia (Root), Wu jia pi (bark).
FAMILYIvy family (Araliaceae).

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BOTANICAL DESCRIPTIONRussian root is a hardy shrub that is 2 meters or higher. Gray-brown branches that are covered with thin, nedoverpekende thorns. The bright green leaves (12-15 cm long) is divided into 3-5 småblad. The plant may have three types of flowers (male, female and bisexual all) that sits in a screen-shaped inflorescence. Flower color is from light purple to yellow. Bærlignende, oval fruits. The roots are about. 1.5 cm in diameter, woody and spreading like a dense tissue in the soil.

PrevalenceWild in northeastern China, eastern Russia, Korea and Japan's northern island of Hokkaido. Plants for medicinal uses comes from Russia and China, but the herb is grown in Eastern Europe.

Droge / Applied PLANT PARTSEleutherococci radix: Root of Russian roots. Both the root and root bark of the plant used medicinally. Used in decoction, as powders, tablets, teas and tinctures.Russian roots is accompanied Herb List from the Norwegian Medicines Agency classified as a drug, and can be traded freely.

INGREDIENTS0.6 to 0.9% eleuterosider comprising eleutherosides A, B, B1, C, D and E. Moreover fenylpropaner, lignans, coumarins, sugars, polysaccharides, triterpenes, saponins and glycans (eleutheran A, B, C, D, E, F and G). Eleutherosides is completely different from the same ingredients found in ginseng (ginsenosides).

Herb PROPERTIES AND EFFECTAdaptogen, general tonic (tonikum), strengthens the immune system, increase the amount and activity of T lymphocytes, stimulates the function of the adrenal glands, cholesterol, blood glucose lowering, blood pressure rising, slows aging process, protects against colds and flu.

Herb MAY BE USED BY THE HEALTH PROBLEMS / DISEASESStress, impaired immunity, infections, fatigue, exhaustion, lack of stamina, weakness, chronic fatigue syndrome, cancer, impotence, viral infections, fungal infections, klimakterieplager, blood sugar fluctuations and low blood pressure. Can also be used in rehabilitation for alcoholism and supportive care of cancer patients by radiotherapy and chemotherapy.


Russian root and Siberian ginseng is the sameRussian roots are in Norwegian also called Siberian ginseng. As one these days wants to use the name ginseng only species of the plant genus Panax, we should prefer to use the name Russian roots of this plant. Russian root is a warming herb with a sharp, bittersweet taste, which, among other things strengthens the immune system and heart vascular system, regulates blood pressure, lowers blood sugar and reduces inflammation. It is an adaptogen that has an invigorating effect on all organs. Studies have shown that the extract of the Russian root increases the mental strength, working capacity and quality of work performed under stressful situations and in competitive events.
Russian root in Chinese herbal medicineRussian roots belong to the same plant family as Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng), but contains other saponinglykosider. It is eleutherosides Russian roots, substances that corresponds ginsenosides found in ginseng. Russian roots is a much larger plant that is cheaper and easier to grow than ginseng. It is regarded in traditional Chinese medicine to be less warm than ginseng and used in China in areas where ginseng is considered to be too strong stimulant. The plant in China or the reputation of being the best medicine to treat insomnia and is also widely used in bronchitis and chronic lung diseases. In the treatment of and protection against heart disease is the Russian root to lower blood pressure and reduce blood cholesterol levels. It has also been used to treat arthritis, low oxygen content in blood and impotence. In Chinese medicine is the species primarily for the treatment of older people, and where they have a treatment for arthritis (which also claims to make muscles and bones strong), which consists of Russian roots in sweet rice wine.Russian researchIt is NOK more marketing reasons than because of the botanical relationship that the root of Eleutherococcus senticosus in the West has become known as Siberian ginseng. Although the use of Russian roots are important in Chinese medicine (where it is most familiar under the old scientific name Acanthopanax senticosus), the Russian scientists that showed the plant's potential as adaptogen. Their work from the 1950s onwards led to the Russian roots were included in the Soviet Pharmacopoeia, and around 1976 it was estimated that more than three million people regularly used an extract of the root. Products of the Russian root was used by Russian athletes in preparation for the Olympic Games at the end of the 1970s and the beginning of the 1980s, and in 1977 was used by cosmonauts in connection with the Russian space program. It is nowadays also used by divers, miners, climbers, soldiers and factory workers to combat stress when performing heavy work under harsh conditions. Truck drivers and pilots take it to maintain attention and prevent potentially adverse side effects of medication.Use of Russian mess these daysThe use in our day is related to the plant's beneficial effect on the adrenal glands, which help the body adapt to stress of different origin. It restores and enhances the body's immune system and increases vitality. The root is therefore used as a tonic and to treat fatigue, stress and weakened immune systems. It can also be used against the negative effects of prolonged stress and the work that has led to fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, irritability, sleep problems and mild depression. The plant can accelerate recovery after acute or chronic diseases, trauma, surgery and other stressful situations. Clinical studies have shown that the plant increases the mental and physical performance, reduces the harmful effects of stress associated with the disease and the environment, increases performance and reduces stress effects in athletes. It can also be used as supportive treatment in cancer and after exposure to toxic chemicals and radiation. After the Chernobyl accident, many in Russia and Ukraine given Russian roots to counteract the effects of radiation.Application methods and dosagesDried roots are used for decoction, liquid extract, tablets or powdered root to internal consumption. Dosage: For adults, in most studies used 1-4 g dried root daily, equivalent to 2.8 ml / day of a 1:2 liquid extract. Maintenance doses for healthy individuals should be in the lower areas of these quantities, while higher doses often need to be used in the treatment of diseases and in periods of high stress levels, eg. in sports competitions. In Russian studies that included both healthy and stressed individuals, participants were given 2-16 ml of the extract, 1-3 times daily for up to two months, followed by 2-3 weeks rest period. This treatment could be repeated up to four times a year. In the treatment of specific diseases may be necessary to take the product continuously. Russian roots is one of the safest and least toxic of all known medicinal plants.Growing Russian rootsIf you want to cultivate the Russian root itself, you can sow seeds, which should be sown in the autumn when they need stratification (cold treatment) to germinate. If you have managed to acquire plants, they can also be propagated by cuttings taken in autumn. Russian roots are very hardy and can grow in many types of soil, only the soil is well drained.

Warnings, side effects and contraindicationsNo adverse side effects can be expected when using the recommended doses. In rare cases, the Russian root cause over-stimulation in susceptible individuals, and sometimes occurring headaches, insomnia, diarrhea, slight increase in blood pressure and fast and irregular heartbeat. One is advised, however, to make the break in the intake during acute infection, if the preparation is not used in conjunction with powerful antibiotics. Used in conjunction with antibiotics mycin-class, one can increase the effect of these agents.Commission E recommends that people with high blood pressure should avoid Russian roots, but it does not seem to exist clinical studies that support this warning. The herb should not be taken with stimulants such as coffee and antipsychotic medications. Russian root can trigger manic states in manic-depressive patients, or arousal in schizophrenics. Taken late in the evening, use of the Russian root cause sleep problems. The herb is not recommended for children, pregnant or breastfeeding, or people with hormone sensitive cancers.Earlier, Russian roots often forged with plant Periploca sepium. Ingestion of this plant has led to it have been many reports and toxicological effects as they originally thought was caused by Russian roots. Periploca sepium contain cardiac glycosides active that can interfere with heart medications such as digoxin. Therefore, you should obtain preparations with Russian roots from serious suppliers who can assure that drugs are not counterfeit (consciously or unconsciously) with Periploca sepium. There is some possibility that the "real" Russian root can also influence the effect of digoxin, so if you go on heart medication may anyway be a good idea to avoid the simultaneous use of Russian roots.

LITERATUREBlumenthal, Mark: Herbal Medicine. Expanded Commission E Monographs. Austin, Texas, American Botanical Council, 2000.Borchorst, Georg: Herbs and Herbal Medicine II. Copenhagen, Klitrose 1996.Bowne, Deni: The Royal Horticultural Society New Encyclopedia of Herbs & Their Uses. London, Dorling Kindersley, 2002.Brown, Donald J.: Herbal Prescription for Health and Healing. Roseville, Prima Health 2000.Fetrow, Charles W. & Juan R. Avila: Professional's Handbook of Complementary & Alternative Medicine. Spring House, Pennsylavania, Springhouse Corporation, 1999.Foster, Steven: Herbs for Your Health. A handy guide for knowing and overusing 50 common herbs. Loveland, Colorado, interweaves Press 1996.Foster, Steven and Yue Chongxi: Herbal Emissaries. Bringing Chinese Herbs to the West. Rochester, Healing Arts Press 1992.McCaleb, Robert, Evelyn Leigh & Krissta Morien: The Encyclopedia of Popular Herbs. Roseville, Prima Health 2000.Mills, Simon and Kerry Bone: Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy. London, Churchill Livingstone 2000.Mowrey, Daniel B.: Herbal Tonic Therapies. Avenel, Wings Books 1993.Skidmore-Roth, Linda: Mosby's Handbook of Herbs & Natural Supplements. St. Louis, Mosby 2001.Teeguarden, Ron: The Ancient Wisdom of the Chinese Tonic Herbs. New York, Warner Books 1998.Tierra, Lesley: The Herbs of Life. Freedom, The Crossing Press 1997 (4.print).Tierra, Michael: The Way of Herbs. New York, Pocket Books 1998.

IMPORTANT: It is written about the herb and its medicinal effects of certain ailments and diseases are for informational purposes only. Herbal Source is not responsible for any damage that may occur if you choose to use this herb or preparations where the herb used.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Today it`s been good bye day. I couldn`t go down for breakfeast and i missed out on the days program actually. Most or at least allot of people already left when i came down. I`m so sorry i couldn`t tell everyone good bye!! Andrew and mom, I really really happy to meet you. Hope i will see you again!
It was a real pleasure to meet you all!! But i will post more another day, need to at least try to sleep. I`m puffed up on my left side and it`s pulling big time in my tri nerves.

Nigh night:-)

Cindy`s still here with me at the hotel, yay!! Todds (Tuckerman) sweet wife Katie

Redd(who made me worry about her for a hole night!), CH Hell, Steve and Larry Schor

Jimmy, Todd the fire fighter and Chris

Chris me and Graham (look, my right side is just blown up double)

Brew`s wife Patt make this beautiful glass art. It unfortunatly went too high for me at the auction. I bought this cool Retro blanket Jennifer CH Hell`s wife made.
Will get back to you tomorrow about the conference. Or actually maybe not tomorrow, i will go home tomorrow. But soon!!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Day one

Today we listened to Bob Wold, John Halpern, Larry Robbins MD (HA doc), Teri Robert and Larry Schor (the psycotherapist having CH himself). You should all come and hear Bob speak in person. Not much more to say about that. It`s a have to do thing. Doug talked about Oxygen and different types of valves etc.

 Living with CH - Larry Schor PhD, that was one of the highlights. He is one interesting man. you should all have been there.

We had an auction, this was one of the items:-)

CHfather a Jerry saved me from starvation. He showed up with this bag filled with food for me!! And he even found the Wasa crisp bread!!!! Thank you a million times Jerry:-) He really saved me today cause i couldn`t have any of the lunch they were serving. Onions in almost everything and stuff like that.
now i also have food for the rest of my stay. As long as i got Wasa crisp bread everythings ok:-)

Big hug to you Jerry:-)


Afterwards we went out for dinner.

Two new on board, Anthony and his mom (to the right)

i get the impression you really love pizza in this country

The bottom was stuffed with cheese. Never seen anything like that.

Have been shadowing hard all day after i had to do the Imitrex shot today. I gonna call my supplier when i come home and ask them WHY they did not deliver me the OnDemand valve as they promised me. Everything else is useless to me. I`ve been doing Imitrex shots  every day and i hate it. you can feel your heart`s in a struggle when your taking it. I hate it. I feel like shit but at the same time it`s ok, cause i have a real good time. But, i will not
 do this trip again i think. I really fear for my long flight to get home. For only five days and being hit and having hard shadows all day and all the fuzz this will cause me when i get home, i`m not sure if it`s worth doing it again. I feel selfish for spending money on just me travelling and i will not be able to function well in a little while when i get home. That feels like a selfish thing to do . My daughter needs me, i`ve been sick her hole life so  i want to be there for her. Also we sit most of the day and that`s my numver one killer. There`s smell of perfume everywhere out here in "public" so that\s not good either. Glad i did this though. Not sure how tomorrow morning will be, but i decid what to do when i wake up.  Usualy i need a couple of hours in the morning when i`m like this. Tomorrow will show. Exhausted.
Best thing to do is probably to go to gym. Think this kind of show what it takes to go away from that comfort zone we make back home. But i`m fine!!

Good night :-)

Friday, September 16, 2011

Jeebs, i`m ok. It`S mostly low kip`s so i`m alright. I jsut had some meat, Benadryl and Melatonin. Crossing fingers for tomorrow. Doug brought me a big bottle of O2 and a high flow. It`s jsut that i empty a 3l reservoir bag in one inhale so it takes forever to fill it again. He wathced me do that and said that wasn`t possible but as he stood by me and wathced he had to believe it. I need ondemand. But, whatever. I had a wonderful fun time!!!

Thank you Jeebs:-)

Meet and greet


This has been an incredible day. Interesting, fun, and just wonderful. Every CH`er should attend to a CB conference. You need this, really. Sorry i do not know if i remember all the names correctly. Some i do not know the names of. It`s been a long day with little or almost no food and i said hello to so many people i'`m a bit confused. Some you know from the other pic`s.

Lee Ann and Dan

Marsha and Cindy

Redd (right beside Cindy)

From the left, Billl (Brew), Steve, Graham (seems to be in every pic? lol:-) and Brew`s wife Pat. She`s the one doing the beautiful glass art. They are a very cheerful happy couple.

Phil and Jennifer in the middle, aka CH hell and Flipperlips.

This guy here actually visited Tromsø in Norway a couple of times. To warm hearted peoples.

Andrew and Clustermom. Sweet sweet lovable persons!!

Tuckerman and his wife. (Todd and Katie)

Keith and me. He made coming in for the night. Very happy he did!!

Jason Larry schor`s pupil (is that the right word?) and O2 helper. He does Thriatlon. Cool.

Jimmys at the board. He is a calm loving guy:-)

Guess everyone knows who this is!! John Halpern.

Larry Schor (the psycho therapist who has CH himself) and Doug

Red Bull attended as well


Chris with a friend who came with him. He is one good friend. Tallest people i ever met i think, look, picture is taken down and up. LOL:-)

A doc who wants to learn from CH patients. Wow. He is over the top a cool guy!

Jerry aka CHfather. Helpful as always. He is more than helpful. his heart is big and warm.

This was todays snack!! Tomorrow we start at 9. So good night and see you tomorrow!!
