About Me

I`m a chronic CH`er, living life and enjoying it. Want to share the life of a chronic.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Wishing everyone a happy New Year!!


As i can`t watch all the blinking from the fireworks, or the smog that comes from it i just stay inside. But as long as Sara`s watching it together with Ray and the others it`s all good. The children are excited.

So, it`s 00.00  HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

My best wishes


Friday, December 30, 2011

BTW about O2

I talked to this man today that knows allot about how the body works and about O2 levels etc. He told me that after a tough workout our body needs about two days to get down to normal levels again, wich means two days with increased O2 need. That confirmes the difficulties i have with my O2 use, why i need so much more and why it is more or less useless compared to what others experience. I use a 3 l tank in about 8 min and can go trough a 20 l tank with a high flow, OnDemand, wich is a system that allows you to breath in what your lungs capacity is, without any effect. Also it confirms what i said earlier, if i go one day without any workouts it will be ok but pressure will start to build up. The sec day i will start to get more trouble and the third day is i feel like shit. It tells us how important it is to do workout. I experiencing that workouts do more overall good than huffing and huffing O2. Of course, CrossFit does not suit everyone, but to be active and do some kind of exercise will benefit more than you would believe. It is hard to do that when your trapped in the ugly grip of CH, but everything that make life better or what i would say. Also a good mood lifter ;)

I`m trying to find out how to make the O2 use more efficient to cases like myself, where O2 does not work so very good. It is a puzzle and every Doc or specialist i ask do not have any answers to give me. Besides this guy though, wich i met in the gym!! Doctors really scear me, over the years it came clearer and clearer to me that they are only humans and do not hold so many answers we think they do and would like them to have. They do trial and error,  but with traditional medicines i do not want to touch anymore. But this is the options they got. I`m better off with trying and failing other options. But i would like them to be a bit more open at least to alternatives.

Well well, night night :)


New years eve dessert?


Happy New Year!!


Just came home from one heavy CrossFit workout. No one completed it in time, but it was SO FUN :) It was a partner Wod.

Thor (blue t shirt) and Indir, they just finished the workout right before we started. They live where i live :)

Sara and Thor`s daughter Ariel. CrossFit Centrum is a very nice place, so children feel home as well. That`s always a positive sign!!

Tatiana, i kind of forced her to come with me. LOL :) Just for the records, she enjoy it.


DONE!! Now we can relax, lean back and ejoy some good New Years Eve food. Looking forward to that. The guy in the middle standing beside the guys in blue t shirts is Bashir, he`s our instructor.

Very positive spirit they got these people, you can tell by looking at them can`t you :)

Happy new year folks!!

I would like to thank every fellow Clusterhead sufferer i know and the lovely lovely supporterers i got to know. What i`m so happy i accomplished this year was my travel to Chicago. It was a challenge to do that flight, but it was SO worth it. To meet others having the same condition is priceless. Everyone who hasn`t done it should do it. I never met such a large group of people being so positive and full of life, and what will to get the most out of their lifes as possible. I was and am impressed with you all!! Kudos to all.

 Happy new year CH`ers all over the world. We will never give up.

2012 will be great.

New years hug from me

Tingeling ;)


Thursday, December 29, 2011

Whoops, typo!!


I got a new phone and blogged from it yesterday. LOL!! Can see some typo`s yes... Wasn`t that easy to write on.

Jeebs, totally agree!! Way to go. Very happy to hear about your results lately as well :) Goodonya as Potter says.

Quiet days, just came home from a CrossFit workout. Think i`m hooked. Not the worst thing to be hooked on though.

Sara`s going to join tomorrow. Very fun :)

Woke up this morning with no symptoms but some puffiness and pressure. But that`s nothing as i see it. Normally i always feel a bit crap after sleep, as sleep no matter what for me as a chonic is my worst enemy. Even when i got no pain i get silent hits wich builds up pressure in my head. But once i get up on my feet and of course do not sleep over about 7 hr it will be ok after getting up in an upright position. I`m so used to it it doesn`t bother me. So i`m good :)

Cya tomorrow


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

In and out, high cycle


I been in high cycle and now it seems like i'm out. So odd, i had puffy dyes and been dizzy bub nothing go complain about and no pain. No the puffy eyes are gone and same with the other symptoms. I think the crossfit has helped cause it is hard enough work out. Every work out i fdlt how the pressure disappeared and also helped the swellings. Together with Astaxanthin it have worked wonders so i did nothing about it besixe these two things:)

Great or what?!

Good times:)

Night night


Monday, December 26, 2011


Good evening :)

I am so lucky.

How often do you tell yourself that?

If you tell yourself that and nothing comes to your mind why your lucky it make you ask "why am i lucky?" And there`s always something :)

Today i went to the movies. Fist thing as i walked into the movie place was the smell of perfume. Going out especially in the evening on days like today or f ex saturdays can be a bit tricky, cause everyone dress up and they kind of bath or something in perfume. Of course to me, that never weares any perfume, they all stink!! But i know they don`t, it`s me with my over sensitive smelling sense and cause i never wear it myself i smell it far better than others. Going into where they show it i was surrounded by perfume, pretty intense. For a minute i consdidered to leave. And i have to admit, my thoughts was not that nice..... Thinking "how can this be legal? What about people being allergic and might get breathing problems? Have any of these people even been thinking about that?" Ok not that nice, BUT there`s a point, cause it could be the case for far mnore people than migraineurs and CH`ers, like a "simple" allergy. That aside, all of the sudden it struck me, "how lucky am i? I`m here in the middle of this perfume "stank" and i`m all good!! Cut that negative thinking, pretend the smell isn`t there and just enjoy the movie. So i did :)

That lucky am i!! I went to the movies without getting hit. Wonderful :)

Oh, and btw, "womens hysteria" as a diagnose was removed in 1952. Not that long ago. Med science have gone some steps further since then. Learned it from the moive Hysteria.  LOL!! :) It was fun :)

Good night all


Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Xmas

Wishing everyone a happy happy xmas!!

This is my sisters girl Line and my sister Eli. My brother Håvard is in the background.

I`m stuffed. We`re al stuffed. Norwegian Christmas food is very heavy salty food. Actually i think i will go to bed. I feel exhausted. It is exhausting to eat this kind of food and be that inactive!! OMG, i feel like a wreck after one day!! LOL :)

Jeebs!!! Your right, i will make sure someone lift me on the next CrossFit event!!! :)

Good night everyone :)

Xmas hug to all


Friday, December 23, 2011

Oh, about Korea

Guess i will need to see what happens in/around Korea. Travelling to South Korea might not be that safe. Time will show.

The day before Christmas


Sara`s with her father this Christmas, she went this morning. Yesterday we had mini Christmas. Had Christmas food, pinnekjøtt wich is salt lambs meat and ricecream for dessert. After the meal we opened some presents. Sara was thrilled :)

Christmas isn`t the same when she isn`t here, it just feels like a regular free weekend in a way. But i know she`s having a good time and then i`m happy.

Had a CrossFit workout today, very fun, as always!

I feel good. It is a huge huge difference from all past Dec months. Feeling very lucky to be able to even go out and breath the air outside, or go grocery shopping, everything i do this months basically, gives me the feeling of being lucky.

My best wishes to all. Lean back and relax :)

Happiness is when you've gotten really good at being you

--Hermann James.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

2 years

Ok so don`t bother about the music and the funny remarks my friend made in this clip. What it says is everybody knows little asians can fight, and then the laughter. I know i can`t fight. It was a workout for very skilled fighters and i just joined them cause i know some of them. And we have a joke about the little yellow ones. LOL, just a thing.

What i wanted to show here is how much weight i gained. When this movie was made i had joined CB for about a year i think. Gradually i gained weight and strenght again (was very underweighted), here i had gained allot of weight. But  now two years after i joined CB i reached my normal weight and muscle strenght and energy level. In two years i gained 10 kg. That is allot for a person that`s just 155cm tall. I feel very strong and healthy now, normal. It takes time and effort to get back to normal after 6 years of constant CH. 6 years isn`t that long but it is long when it comes to chronic CH.

 This pic i`m showing cause i want to show what the Astaxanthin has done to my skin (just one fo many things). If ginger help people, being full of antiox etc etc. Why shouldn`t Asta work in some way or another? It is the most powerful supplement i ever used and it works in every areas, so i stopped all other supplements. Persons who doesn`t have a very low or extremely low bloodpressure like i do, should do normal doses of regluar, not high concentrated Omega 3. It will make Omega 3 allot more effective.

Really hope this can be interesting to some. My effort with the treatment and different supplements have been a two year long process where i been doing better and better even though i get high cycles, but it only learned me something new, everytime i found something new. F ex, now i know one of the first signs of an high cycle or upramping is me dropping things out of my hands. I just start loosing things, i think i`m holding it and just drops it, more and more as i come closer. What can i do then? I do a couple of  large doses of B2.

Thursday sun turns again. This should be a horrible horrible time. This year i don`t care what date i`m at or whatever!! Dec has been easy. Better than ever.

After 2 years i am where i should be. I`m back :)

Wishing the same for everyone else who suffers CH or suffers as a supporter.

PFW to all


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Quiet day


Sara`s with her father this weekend. It`s been a quiet weekend. Made some gingerbread dough for tomorrow. She love doing that and decorate them afterwards. I look forward to get her home tomorrow. The house is kind of empty and quiet qhen she`s not around.

Been to Crossfit class fri, sat and today. Yesterday we did 150 abmat sit ups and 150 jumps, i came in at 10.40. Not very happy with that time, nr 1 came in 4.11!! My technique with the abmat sit ups aren`t very good so i need to practice them. Today`s WOD was 250 m row and 25 push ups, as many rounds as possible in 20 min. I did 7 rounds and 150m row. Sounds easy but  it is a tough workout. Today a guy showed me different techiques how to climb ropes. LOL, i have allot to learn!! That is difficult. You could just drag yourself up usinng your arms only, well i`m not there!! It`s so fun to have something to work towards, a real challenge this is.

No i will watch a movie and just relax, nice :)

Feeling a bit sleepy, a good sign in the evening. My hormones are right, ususaly if CH is not good i will not feel tired, especially not in the evenings.

Happy Christmas times folks!! PainFree wishes to all.


Saturday, December 17, 2011


I`m wondering about one thing, if he got CH. Cause if he had or have and was alone it would be very hard to have a child alone. Maybe that`s the reason he gave me away. I would like to know.



I have been thinking about visiting South Korea, this is where i`m born. In a town named Pusan  (Busan). I was adopted and came to Norway when i was about 2-3 years old. Today i decided i will visit Korea next year. I will not bring my daughter the first time, as i think my reactions will be confusing to her most likely. She will go to her father for two weeks in the summer and i will go those two weeks. On my birth cetificate i have my fathers name. The adoption agency may have information about your parents to give you when your 18, but you have to go there, you can`t get it per email. I`ve been in touch with them already. Think i will do that. Anyway, i will see the country and eat Korean food.

This is a decision that will change my life in some ways. But it is time.

Hope everyones feeling good :)

Good night from me


Thursday, December 15, 2011

From nowhere


Got hit all of the sudden yesterday. Think it was from eating food that was saturated in vinegar and maybe a kg Christmas cookies and caramels... Ah well, it tasted good. But i got a bit disappointed cause i missed out on two Crossfit workouts i really wanted to join. It reminded me how lucky i am now, as this just happens once in awhile. And i have to laugh, i mean missing out on workouts. LOL, worse things has happened :D

Went trough 19 l O2, didn`t abort the attack so i decided it didn`t work enough so i decided to just rid it out. Sometimes it feels like this is the only thing to do, the pain feels a certain way, also when it feels like that i know that nothing will work very well. And if i keep trying different things i will only sort of drag it out in time.

In the middle of the day today i felt really really tired all of the sudden, and then it was gone. How wonderful :) And now it feels like it never happened. It `s so odd, the same thing every time. When it`S over it`s just a distant memory. I have to say, it can be very tough to know that the Imitrex might take the pain away, and when you have it in your house it... But the thought of starting a Imitrex rollercoaster isn`t tempting at all. Or the thought of how your heart kind of struggles afterwards. Gives me the creeps.  It has happened that i have taken the shot and placed it against my body and then put it away without using it. Cause i know it, it will not benefit me. One shot may make it worse the day after. Also it gives you a brain forg for days, even weeks. And every time i just rid things out i am so happy for it when it`s over. When a person with CH choose not to use something that could take the pain away during a hit, that really says how nasty that medicine is. Nasty shit, i absolutly fear it.

This used to be high cycle times, so this is great. Looking forward to a good nights sleep and wake up refreshed tomorrow:)

Tomorrow i love you tomorrow :)


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Thoughts in a busy life


I want to share what different persons have told me, different times in my life but it`s stuck in my mind and i believe it has helped me and followed me and always will.

A woman who i met while she was treated for cancer. Earlier in life she had a back and neck injury and had been lying paralyzed for years, she had several operations, very painful cause she had nerve pains. She told me how lucky she felt while lying there, in her living room in a hospital bed. She was grateful. And when she got tired she just closed her eyes and listened to the sounds around her. What she told me in the end was this "never forget that people can only understand out from what they have experienced. Recognition."

Another told me about her life, she had been doing what her husband wanted for years and years. One day she just walked out from the house and left. She told me to follow what my heart and innervoice. Self- realization. She is now a old woman, terminal ill. She tells me it`s natural and that this has been a door opener.

A woman i talk with very often pr email wrote to me once "never let anyone take away your opinions." Thank you :)

Recently a woman told me how her life have been after her son committed suicide more than years ago. Every single day she`s thinking about  that day. She told me this "everything that can be fixed is not a problem."

A woman that got hyper allergy against allot of different things. It gets life threatening. Awhile ago her gluteus maximus ruptured, operations failed, it will not heal. Three weeks ago she had an operation, her belly had grown and the reason was muptiple cysts, big as oranges. She had to remove allot inside her. She reacted to the staples they used to close the wound. Long story short, the wound all across her stomach it won`t grow, not just a little. She told me how happy and lucky she felt.

All this people, they all felt grateful for things others don`t even recognize. They shared this with me and made me think so that i discovered i could choose my own values. Also, they are not in a hurry if they don`t wish to. Very calm about time, i think it is cause they have inner peace. Christmas time is a busy time. I was out shopping a bit and people are really stressed out and get a bit aggessive almost. I chose to stay in today and cook a good meal and also i made a big portion caramels. I will make more boxes together with Sara and give them to people we know and appreciate.

I feel very lucky and grateful to meet all this interesting people, they light up the way.


Monday, December 12, 2011

Brand new week :)


I love mondays, a brand new week. One unused week. Feels like a sea of opportunities.

All Christmas gifts done and all. This year has been very relaxing in a way. Think it is cause i been so good and there`s this flow in everything and things don`t pile up. Guess it is the feeling of having it all under control, then there`s room for unexpected things as well.

Had Sara and a friend of her over after school, did homework and made some Christmas cakes and fudge. We made miniatyr cakes. They looked sweet :)

Now i`m watching American Chopper senior v junior. I feel sorry for junior.... I hope his business will be a huge succsess in the end.

Been to Crossfit, talked to nice people. We were supposed to walk on our hands today as one of the things in the workout... LOL, got a long way to do that!! I can`t stand on my hands long enough to start moving them!! Challenge :)

Another good day

Hope you folks had a good day:)


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Hahaha, i love this

This is how we humans are isn`t it :)

Hope everyone had a great weekend :)


Friday, December 9, 2011

Add this

Just to make my day complete, add this one to the play list. I looove it!! It makes me feel free.


Good flow


Lately i have been so happy and content and for some reason i am so lucky all the time.  So many positive things have been happening and happens. Socially, health and overall. I been a bit short of money, not like i`m struggeling but you know. But i really didn`t stress about it, cause as long as i have so i manage i`m good. But as you all know, Christmas times is here. And what happened?! We won!!!! We won money :) Lucky us. This is just incredible, unbelivable!! Thank you universal power or what it is!!!! It`S so odd. My computer broke down completely, my phone got chrushed and stuff like that. Things that cost extra money and Christmas times is not a good time for expenses like that. But it is things that aren`t  neccesary. I bought a cheap little, girly computer today. Cause now i could.  That is important for me, to keep in touch and follow my other family members in other parts of the world. I`m so happy :) I can`t believe it!!

Sara got a friend sleeping over. We had taco, chips and sweets while watching Idol. Ray had a tattoo session, i have been to CrossFit class. Kids are happy, Ray is happy and i am happy. Rain and thunder for days and head is good. Life is good.


I love playing this song really loud when i`m driving. Everytime i do it life feels just so beautiful i wish i could sing. I was looking fo a song i cannot find it anywhere and i can`t upload it with this little thing. Well well, another time.

Thank you


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas workshop


This is what the children made today

We filled the boxes with caramels

Decoupage. We had a good time. After we made the boxes we had christmas cookies and watched a Christmas show they air every year. Wonderful day :)

Another good head day. Had two of the children to dinner and then workshop, they were singing most of the time, good my head was behaving ;)

Wishing everyone allot of happiness and luck


Tuesday, December 6, 2011


At page 44 in the link, this is interesting. Maybe be why this is working for me and works for CH symptoms? The central nervous system thing and microglial cells. Brain, spine "helper".

One thing

My breathingproblems are gone, i had like a asthma like breathing thing. Like i couldnT`inhale enough air no matter how deep my breath was. This is symptoms i get and get worse and worse closer to a bad CH period. Odd. but Astaxanthin took it away.

Cellofan and caramels


This is what i`ve done this morning

Boooring..... Considered to just wrap them in small cellofan bags instead, but the result would have been far from good considered to this. Worth it. The kids gonna make a box and put them inside, then they can have them some gifts. So now everything is ready for tomorrows workshop. The kids are excited :)

Just been to CrossFit class, had some food and a shower. Now it is Grey`s Anatomy and sleep.

Here`s a good read about Astaxanthin. It works wonder for me, for CH symptoms.


Have a wonderful night


Monday, December 5, 2011

Workout for my friends Jeebs

With all the pizza and alcohol my friends had, the least thing i could do was to give them a little workout session :)

Christmas stuff


Today i have been out shopping for the Christmas workshop i`m going to have on wednesday with Sara and her friends. Now i made caramels. We will make small boxes with angels on it and fill them with homemade caramels. Yum.... Gonna be fun :)

Usually this time a year is so awful and now i can do whatever i want!! What a feeling, i feel so free. This little workshop gives me the feeling i can do anything. To make good memories about Christmas time for children is just good, it pretty much beats everything :D

We have snow and then it melts and then it is snowing again, but my head is fine!! Incredible.

Raymond can`t walk after i dragged him to CrossFit class yesterday. He`s tired of sore muscles. My answer to that is "Then you have to do it on a regular basis, blame yourself". LOL!! He says he is walking like he should have pelvis problems. Hahaha :) Well well....

My very close friend died this months years ago. All of my friends i have lost have died in Dec. So it is also a month i go around filled with memories. They were so full of life. Sounds odd, but maybe a bit too much of it, if that is possible. They didn`t have that much limits and fears like others got. I used to be the same way. They were all very good persons. May they rest in peace.

"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending."

Maria Robins

Have a good night and sweet dreams :)


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sunniva`s Bon voyage


Sunniva`s leaving Norway monday. She will be away for about 9 months, she will study and then she will come home with her husband Amine :)
Sunniva`s is a girl that make you smile and laugh

From left Sunniva, Bodil, Astrid, Cecilie and Åse
Sweet beautiful girls :)

 For some reason, when people are getting drunk they want to lift me and Sunniva is no exception....


 Ok.... One time, but only cause she is leaving!! LOL!!!

Sunniva and me`:)

We had a good time, but it is sad she is leaving. I`m already looking forward to August  when she`s coming home. And it will be so nice to get to know Amine her husband :)

It`s been a wonderful weekend, now i`m on my couch wearing cuddly  cloths, had some Benadryls so i can eat some snack. Good good!!! :)

Wishing everyone a PF night


Friday, December 2, 2011

Didn`t see that one coming


This day has been GREAT!! I knew it :)

Today i have talked about CH to medstudents!!! Can you fecking believe it?! I was asked if i could come and let medstudent ask me questions about CH. What to look for so it will not be mistaken with migrainurs, how to treat it the right way with O2 etc etc. It was a bit sceary as well, cause i looked at their faces and how surprised they looked and how little they knew and how frightening they think it is when they do not know how to help a patient. They found it hard to believe how little we sleep in periods and that ambient actually don`t make us sleep always. It was interesting, i`m glad i was asked. Maybe it helps to be this stubborn i`ve been. I feel so lucky, my life has really had a positive turn. It feels so rich. It`s like we get a sec opportunity in life, that is not to take for granted!!

Lately i have been thinking i had to find a place to order Benadryl, i have to order it from a EU country i think it is. Anyways, all of the sudden i get this message today, the sweetest persons asked for my adress and they will ship me!! I really appreciate that. Thank you a million times :)

Like i already said, i am so lucky :)

Had a great workout today. Sara`s with her father for the weekend so i will do CrossFit tomorrow and sunday, if i`m able to it. Also, i`m back with Astaxanthin and that works great for me. It takes the shadows and make my PF time shadow free.

Can it be better?!

Tomorrow :)


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Hello Christmas


Went to the store to get rye bread and came home with this instead

Totally forgot about the rye bread LOL!! :) MMMmmm.... Yummy....Christmas cookies :)

My daughter is so excited about her calendar, she can hardly sleep and in the morning or even night she wake up and ask if she can open it. Same thing every year. It is such a joy to watch how happy and excited she is. The day before the 1 dec she told me she was going to sleep the other way around in her bed, so she wouldn`t be able to see who brought the calendar in her room. And she said "it could be Santa or it could be you. But i want to believe in Santa so i do not want to look, so i just sleep the other way in case i wake up". Sweet :)

Head is behaving and life couldn`t be better. I had a burning feeling yesterday and today, wich i often do after a bust on the opposite side, i had a Astaxin instead of Benadryl cause i was going to CrossFit class and it went away!! YAY!!!

This gonna be the best weekend ever, i just know it.

CYA tomorrow

Hug from me
