About Me

I`m a chronic CH`er, living life and enjoying it. Want to share the life of a chronic.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Thoughts in a busy life


I want to share what different persons have told me, different times in my life but it`s stuck in my mind and i believe it has helped me and followed me and always will.

A woman who i met while she was treated for cancer. Earlier in life she had a back and neck injury and had been lying paralyzed for years, she had several operations, very painful cause she had nerve pains. She told me how lucky she felt while lying there, in her living room in a hospital bed. She was grateful. And when she got tired she just closed her eyes and listened to the sounds around her. What she told me in the end was this "never forget that people can only understand out from what they have experienced. Recognition."

Another told me about her life, she had been doing what her husband wanted for years and years. One day she just walked out from the house and left. She told me to follow what my heart and innervoice. Self- realization. She is now a old woman, terminal ill. She tells me it`s natural and that this has been a door opener.

A woman i talk with very often pr email wrote to me once "never let anyone take away your opinions." Thank you :)

Recently a woman told me how her life have been after her son committed suicide more than years ago. Every single day she`s thinking about  that day. She told me this "everything that can be fixed is not a problem."

A woman that got hyper allergy against allot of different things. It gets life threatening. Awhile ago her gluteus maximus ruptured, operations failed, it will not heal. Three weeks ago she had an operation, her belly had grown and the reason was muptiple cysts, big as oranges. She had to remove allot inside her. She reacted to the staples they used to close the wound. Long story short, the wound all across her stomach it won`t grow, not just a little. She told me how happy and lucky she felt.

All this people, they all felt grateful for things others don`t even recognize. They shared this with me and made me think so that i discovered i could choose my own values. Also, they are not in a hurry if they don`t wish to. Very calm about time, i think it is cause they have inner peace. Christmas time is a busy time. I was out shopping a bit and people are really stressed out and get a bit aggessive almost. I chose to stay in today and cook a good meal and also i made a big portion caramels. I will make more boxes together with Sara and give them to people we know and appreciate.

I feel very lucky and grateful to meet all this interesting people, they light up the way.


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