About Me

I`m a chronic CH`er, living life and enjoying it. Want to share the life of a chronic.

Monday, October 31, 2011


Got Sara`s friends together for some food, snack and make up. I think they had a godd time :)

And i can barely walk after my CrossFit workout. The children said "you got a funney walk". LOL, children and honesty:)

I turned out the lights in Sara`s room, decorated it and had a rotating disco light bowl in there. They had fun. Theyr out walking now :)

Happy Halloween folks!!!!!


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Waffles on a sunday

Sara with her cousin Line (left)

My sister Eli and her husband Geir

From left Lise and Helene ( I`m aunt to them) Dui to the right, Lise and Helene`s mother. She is married to my brother.

Håvard my brother
We had a good time today:)

I scream a little when i walk stairs cause of my sore muscles. Besides from that it`s a good day. There was no O2 left but i manage. Will get new tomorrow morning. All good :)

A wonderful weekend :)

See ya tomorrow


Sore muscles

Good morning:)

My muscles are SO SORE!! The sec day is always the worst when it comes to sore mucles, guess tomorrow will be horrible. But it`s a good thing, shows it was a good workout:) Now i have to bake and clean before i get people coming over.

See ya


Saturday, October 29, 2011



Just finished 2h crossfit. Fun!!! We had 9 (i think) different things we did, repeated 21 times, then 18, 15, 12, 9 and 6 times. So when we did f ex one leg squat we did it 21 times on each foot.  May sound easy, but i promise, it was enough. The type of exercises we had was not the easiest there is to find. A man had his 12 year old son with him, heS`going to be like superman when he gets older, he was a mini superman already. He really impressed me, and i would think everybody else as well. F ex, we had something very slippery under feets and arms, standing in plank slide out flat with arms and feet and drag into center again.

AND i met a migrainur, she get`s aroung 12-18 attacks a month and like us, she doesn`t accept the side effects from traditional meds. She does what she can when it comes to life style etc. Nice to meet someone else that thinks the same way.

Not easy to see out from pic`s but fun with some pic`s anyway.

Frank, just watching while he drinks protein shake.

Trine and Vibeke, they had a different program cause of a temporary back issue.

Anne Grete

Linn doing a slide exercise

This 12 year old boy with his father, theyr doing Tuck jump here.

And me
Monica, the lady who make the program
 It was so fun, i already look forward to next saturday. Monica make a new program every time, very good to do that, your body doesn`t get used to the exercises. And PS, if anyone feel like theyr in a very good shape, go try a CrossFit workout, you might get surprised :)

Need to go grocery shop and bake for tomorrow. Whuuu!!



Friday, October 28, 2011

Glue doesn`t belong in anyones hair

My daughter needed help with a glue tube. I helped her.... I also spayed her hair full of glue.... OMG!! Last time she was going to make something, a couple of days ago, i did the same thing!!!!!  We wahed it out, it went away all of it. No problem :)  Luckily:)

Got munchie and lost all control. We baked pastry with cheese. Not good thinking of tomorrows crossfit. But ok, it`s not a competition it`s just for fun and for training, but still. BUT it tated good and Sara thought it was nice to bake and eat it while we watched Idol. Then it`s ok.

Wish me good luck tomorrow!!

Good night

Sweet dreams to all


My car is back

Got my car back. NICE!! My bike got stolen a little while ago, walking  from a to b just takes sooo much time. A buddy fixed it for half the price, lucky me:) Thank you Tom :) Tanked my car on the way home, gazolin really sucks!! I think it must be one of my worst triggers.

Excited for tomorrow, crossfit day. It`s one of the best in crossfit from the info i got, guess it will be tough but fun :)

Now i`m loading my batteries.

Will try get some pictures tomorrow.

Tomorrow :) :)


Gooood Morning :)


This morning has been great!! Woke up with no pain. NICE!!! Woke up one time in the night but whatever. My boyfriend got a migraine and doc prescribed him triptans. He was absolutly horrified over how they affected his body. He got short of breath when he walked up some stairs. Woke up feeling shitty like he had a hangover and he got really sore muscles. Having a migraine at work he felt like hitting the people around him cause they talked so loud..... He said "you CH`ers got my respect, i can`t see how you folks can deal with this". But i think migrainurs get much more exhausted from a migrain then we do from CH, in a way, afterwards.

Got to start the day

Later ;)

A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more.
- Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Thursday, October 27, 2011

New activity

I want to start with Downhill cycling. Need to drag someone along with me. Going to figure out who.... LOL :) Saturday i will go to 2h crossfit. YAY!!!! Oh joy!!! :) Wuhuuuu!!!


Don`t know saturdays program yet but i`m sure it will be great!!!

Bye for now


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tapering off

Good morning :)

As i do better with CH i started to come off all Benadryl and Melatonin. I go down over three days so that i don`t all of the sudden gives my body zero Melatonin etc. Found that works best for me. Didn`t do Benadryl yesterday at day or night. Woke up one time only and fell asleep again. That`s alright, i do that almost always. But woke up today feeling much better, much lighter in both body and mind. Swellings have calmed down too, feel like i can go outside without looking as a hididous monster now. LOL :) We got thunder and lightning today.

How can we know? By looking or listening? Who`s mind can we trust? And who will decide?

Be aware, of yourself, and or others?

Luckily, it`s always our own decision!!!


Wishing everyone a wonderful day


Pic`s and music from Norway


The musicians here are from the area i live.

Where i live

Went out for a walk, or actually i just walked to a grocery store... But this is right around the house where i live. Thought i could show how it looks around where i live. The cold north :)

Good night and good morning


Slept trough the night without waking up. I feel sleepy and tired, sleep seems to make me feel that way. LOL!! So i will go for a walk in the cold air, we got wind and not many degrees now, that will clear up i`m sure:) Put some music on and walk.

Enjoy your day :)


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sara`s birthday :)


Sara had birthday today, 8 years. Big girl!!! She invited all the girls from her class to bowling and pizza.

Made muffins for the party

13 little bowlers ready!!!

All the sugar starts to kick in!!

Sara`s watching the board on the pic at the top. Not happy, lol....  Win and loose, we all have to do both!! That`s life :)

She had a wonderful day. She said "mum i feel so happy inside". Looking like she doesn`t smile at this picure maybe, but she is. Theyr laughing about something and tries to smile "normal".

Now she`s sleeping. she was happy and tired. How exciting it is to have birthday when your 8 years old. So wonderful how they live in the moment.

I felt a sharp pain coming when i was about to go, but apperantly i`m stupid so i thought oh well, i`ll knock it down with a Red Bull when i come there. HAHA!! clever clever... Should think i learned after all these years. Obviously not, cause i didn`t go in again and pick up a bottle O2. Almost facinating. But i managed 13 kids high on sugar scraming and bowling for a couple of hours, can`t complain then can i? Managing that tells your ok whatever level of pain your in. Had to deliver my car to a buddy who`s going to fix it for EU control thing, another buddy picked us up and drove us home. Run right to my tank and now i`m ok, just a mild shadow. That don`t count. Preparing for this has not been a struggle, i was not exhausted before i started. This months usually been such a worry for me, it`s been hard and difficult. It `s been the kind of thing that make you feel as you die a little on the inside. This year it`s been easy and filled with joy. It has been just wonderful. My daughter fell asleep happy on her birthday. So yeah, i`m fine, i`m happy.

Good night, sweet dreams :)


Monday, October 24, 2011

Answer to comment

Yes, an actual nap!!!!

What i think was weird was the sudden feeling of being tired and hungry. This is something ì do not feel when being in high cycle, it was someone switched a button on. But as you said, whatever happened ther, thank gosh it did!!

Thank you Jeebs :)

Hope your doing good!!!


Preparing for birthday


Today has been busy. Did some work in the morning and then my daughter came home from school. She didn`t know about the bike. I had placed the bike in her room, she was SO happy:):)

Went to Sara`s drama class and in the mean time i went out shopping what we need for muffins and goodie bags. She will have her day tomorrow at a bowling place. Bowling and pizza. Thirteen 8 years old bowlers, lol, will be funny!!

My head is really stuffed today, hope it will clear up tomorrow. Can`t really figure out 2+2 at the moment but i don`t have to either so no problem so far. Hihihi. Really no energy today but no pain, only shadow hanging over my right side. But i have done what i needed to do today, then i`m happy and Sara is so excited for tomorrow.

Need to go early to bed today, feels like i haven`t slept for weeks. It`s so weird, why do i get tired when high cycle is going away? Should feel tired when i actually do not sleep and go around in pain all day and night.

There`s one thing that comes back into my mind since i visited Chicago, 65 people with such an extremem condition and no complaining. That is awesome. I`m really really impressed. you impress me big time. The world should know how brave the people in that group are. I`m proud to know you all.

Good night and PFW


Sunday, October 23, 2011



Ok so something weird happened, never happened before. When your in pain and you feel like every fiber inside of your body is shaking it`s a bit tough hour after hour. Today i spend i don`t know how many l, but it`s been allot!! In periods like this i do not feel tired or hungry, it`s like my body is in some kind of alert mode. All of the sudden while i was on the O2 i felt the pain started to go down and i felt really tired, i could barely hold my eyes open. I deciced to stay on it for 5min longer and i barely managed to close it before i feel in sleep. As i fell asleep i was thinking "what am i doing, this will be horrible when i wake up". Woke up an hour later and felt all good!! And VERY hungry. And i feel fine!! I can feel the grip of the claw is gone. I feel so good it feels like this didn`t happen at all. What happened?! How weird!! I think i will get a good night now.

Good night and sweet dreams to all :)


O2 O2 O2 O2


Got 90 min of sleep after a ton of Melatonin and Benadryl. The thing is this, if you fall asleep again, i know for sure i will wake up with something far worse than i woke up with to begin with. BUT i know i will need sleep so i don`t get in that crazy thing. And actually this night i fell asleep again. Got up drinking a large MadCroc, coffee and had some breakfeast. Been hanging onto my O2 since then. Today i will go to gym as the only thing i do besides hanging on the O2. At the moment thinking of it it sounds difficult to do maybe, but it will do me good it`s just something you got to do without thinking over it, just do it!! I will need to make it to the evening so i can go to bed and wake up to a new week tuned in on the right frequency.

This is what i talked about, the bloodvessel that go large on my hand on the bad side. notice the color difference, this starts a couple of days before it all starts. Before they was like this all the time.

My passengers was drunk last night, but not to drunk LOL :)

Have a lovely day all.

Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past any excuse to change any and every part of your life in an instant. ~Anthony Robbins

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Well i went out for lunch with the girls, to get my focus over to something else. The pain was so unberable i could hardly sit down so it was a pretty bad idea, found that out pretty quick. You know when your on the edge to hysteri and just can`t really focus on anything, well i was there. After eating i have no clue why i didn`t just got home. Instead i went to the car my and got some O2 while my friends actually waited for me outside the car. It cleared up a bit and i tried go find the right present for Sara. Went for Red Bull and felt like i was about to tilt after i didn`t find it the first place i looked for it. LOL!!! Drank one large can and i felt like i should throw up. Did i gt my ass home?! NO!!! OMG.... Nope i continued to bounce around. Finally i felt like i should go home cause i couldn`t take it anymore. What did i do? I stopped at a shopping mall where i live wnet into a sports shop and started check out bikes andended up bying one..... I had to lay down all of my seats in the car and i managed to get the bike in. Just mentioning, i have a small car.... Opel Corsa, lol. Sol after i did this wearing a not to long dress and boots and trying not to tear up my stocking i closed the door. Only i had my arm in the way..... Hahahaha...... I hope no one was looking. Being at a public parking lot i doubt that is the case.... Oh and i bought a jacket i`m not so sure if i like taking a closer look.

But now here i am and i had the day going and soon it will be better. And my daughter will be happy about her birthday present i hope. She wrote a wish list and bike was on the top and i know she wanted one for a long time as well.

Feck... my arm hurts.

Going to the airport for a pick up soon. Hope theyr not to drunk!!!

Good night all.


Here it comes

Got exactly 90 min sleep before i woke up and didn`t sleep all night no matter what i did. I feel terrible today. Will do something about that.

Right now i`m sitting here with a large cup of coffe, bright light day light lamp, water, just did D3. At the moment my head and face are so swollen i don`t think i will meet the girls for lunch today. I look like a monster. My daughters birthday is tuesday so i need to do what i can and focus all my energy on that day.

Wishing everyone a great day


Friday, October 21, 2011

Barely made it home

Drove home having a hig kip. I felt like i couldn`t take one more sec but i had to get home and i did. Horrible this pain. I run from Sunniva`s pizza and all. I just had to.

 4 Benadryl and 12 mg Melatonin gave me around 2 h of sleep last night. Crossing fingers for a good night now.

Good night from me


Pizza and cookies

Sunniva is making me my favourite pizza and i will make her my cookies. Brought a little tank and that`s supposed to last for awhile when i read the bottle but i spend half under ten min, so guess i should brought more. But whatever. Sunniva packed allot of stuff as she`s going to move soon to her husband in Nice. It`s been a day where i spend all day to get a grip on myself to function. But that`s ok :)



My head hurts

Got hit yesterday on the right side, not the usual side. Haven`t managed to break it down yet. Still hurts. That`s life.


Thursday, October 20, 2011

What to answer

If someone don`t find you worthy cause you have a condition, what would be your answer to them?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


My daughter started in Scout troop today. She learned how to use a compass. She was so excited!! Very fun. so now she`s in drama school and scout troop. Very good i think, i can see how she grows for each time she`s been there.

I dig Bear Grylls btw..... Just watched Man vs. wild.

At the moment, there`s big changes in my life.

"The heart has reasons that reason does
not understand...."

Jacques Benigne Bossuel.

Good night to all


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Blood vessels

This is on a good day, notice there is no visible blood vessel right with my eyebrow.

Here on a day where it starts to ramp up. Look at the vein with my eyebrow. Same thing happens with a big vein on my wrist. Doc says it`s just normal as you age, but this vein here swithce what side it goes big, it follows my CH side.

I want to show something and i wondr if anyone else noticed this. When i got CH, i got this bloodvessel showing in my face all of the sudden. Sticking out. On my best days it shrinks in completely and on bad days it sticks out like, sometimes it goes SO much bigger!! I will shoot a pic when it goes extra large during an attack next. Not that easy to see but the difference is really big.

PFW to all


Sunday, October 16, 2011


Allot of Ch`ers and migraineurs tells me exercise is a huge trigger for them. It is for me as well, if i choose the wrong type. and why do i think it`s so important to exercise? Excercise raises bodys O2 levels  and if you do it regularly it will stay high and that`s a help in itself. It will give you an anti inflammatory effect and it make your body release Endophines http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endorphin, which is also released when you do something you enjoy. the thing with exercise is this, you may get a bit worse before you get better, it will give you an overall improvement to your daily life. i think when someone says exercise most think it has to be inside a gym, running that sort of activity. But it can be anything, as long as it leads to muscle contractions.

I used to run allot, long distances. But when i got the CH it started to trigger a hit, i found out that exercise that gave "hard landing" on the ground, like running was a huge trigger. So that would include Aerobic classes as well. For me i found exercise with your own body weight and spinning was a good thing. A gym usually ofer allot of different alternatives. Many says they get neck problems, stiff neck muscles when lifting weights. This was a problem for me as well. I found that i needed to strenghten my neck muscles with very light weights and over months i increased  the weights. But i needed to decrease the weights i used on my entire body, f ex squat and biceps also made my neck to get stiff. I needed to strenghten my entire core so i didn`t strain my neck, then i could use my core to hold it all up. Also i do daily stretch.

It may sound as this is very time consuming, it is not. Aprox 1-2 h around 4-5 days a week. that`s nothing. How many hours do people use watching TV in one week? And why give up if you get a little worsening of a type of exercise that doesn`t fit you? just do something else! Or make sure you pulse don`t go that high next time maybe? Did you drink enough water? Ask yourself, be aware of what your body tells you.

Have fun, that`s the most important part of it!! Dancing maybe, Zumba, Salsa, walk around the block and talk with your neighbours, whatever really!! Just find what is right for you and don`t give up!! Give it around three months at least.

Just do it :)



Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Smurfs

We went to the movies today, The smurfs. They live inside huge mushies, what a cute little town they had. LOL :)

Have a wonderful evening :)

Friday, October 14, 2011


How do define a happy life? How to define a meaningful life? Is both one of the same? Are there certain criteria to go after, or are we to decide and define our own happiness and meaning in life?

I wasn`t very happy before, i kept working to get happy. Everyday i said to myself "tomorrow will get better". After several years of slapping my face with this, i started to wait for next week, next month and even next year! Every day, week or month the headaches wasn`t gone, i actually got very disappointed, and in the end very angry and frustrated. I really did my best to keep things as i wanted them to be, how it was before i got CH. After many years i realized this was like warfare against myself. I had to start a happy, meaningful life out from my current condition. Then i discovered something, i didn`t know who i was, i didn`t know what interests i had, i didn`t have a clue where to put my feets. Cause i didn`t remember how it was to wake up without pain. So i found out i just had to start trying different activites. And i did, and that`s a different story to tell another time.

Maybe i got CH instead of a person who maybe couldn`t find this road. Could it be i needed CH so i could learn how to appreciate life? Maybe there`s no meaning at all. Or maybe i can decid what or why. I choose the last one. How to live and what to fill my life with is my choice, everyday. Cause i`m in control over my own mind, i choose, i decid. Some days i choose to feel sadness cause i need that sometimes, i allow myself. I allow myself to feel my feelings the way they are. I think i accepted my condition and it doesn`t feel as throwing in the towel and give up. It feels like victory. It is to me. I love the cold air outside today.

Sweet dreams to all


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Turn it around


All of the sudden i felt really depressed today, very tired and not wanting to do anything. Also i woke up in the night, not like people wake up but you really wake up like someone pushes a button. My head has been good so i knwo what that sudden feeling of depression and lack of energy means. CH is lurking. And i know why also, besides the fact that it is high cycle time. I had two days of relaxing. Or can`t really call it relaxing, i`ve been lazy as he.. actually. Also been eating chocolate. How can i do that!! Like i`m a stupid person, i know what harm that shit does. But well well, i did it so.... My daughter got autumn break and it`s been very relaxing. Started to feel pressure building up, wich happens when i relaxe to much, one day is good two is bad. I know what to do, i need to get my pulse up. Got myself together and went to gym. It helped. Hleped allot. Yesterday i went to spinning class but obviously it wasnn`t heavy enough exercise so i had to do some weightlifting instead today. Hopefully i turned it around.

Good night, sweet dreams :)


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What`s going on


October should be a pretty bad month for me, high cycle. It`s Sara`s birthday this months, me being so ill that month always made me feel bad. This year i`m not sure if it`s the D3 that does the little extra on top of the other stuff, but whatever it is that works, it works great. At the time i`m off every other supplement, except D3, fish oil and one energy drink in the morning and two Melatonin and 1-2 Benadryl in the evening. Last one mainly cause it makes it possible for me to sleep trough the night with only one wake up call and allows me to eat a bit more of the food i can`t tolerate well, wich is almost everything. That`s all. I feel good and hope it will continue this way troughout the month. Crossing fingers. now i have the energy to throw off a childrens birthday party, without it being exhausting.

There`s rain rain rain outside so that should make me feel pretty bad as well but i`m fine!!! YAY!!!

Been to gym, ate some fish and life just feels very ordinary. Ordinary is good, it`s better than good, it`s what we wished and wish for.

Wishing everybody a great PF day :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011


I was in a wedding yesterday. Trond and Astrid got married in this church

This is Stavanger Cathedral.  Construction started 1100 and finished 1150.  It`s Norway`s oldest Cathedral placed in the middle of Stavanger. My hometown.

They were married dressed in bunad to keep tradition alive

Klikk for å se neste bilde

They canged to  "regular" wedding dresses for the dinner and party
This is not the actual couple, this is

Tbey looked beautiful together, they been togehter for 15 years.

All the best wishes to them!!!

Food was excellent and so was the party. There was a live band and dancing peoples.

For the first time in a long long time i stayed to the middle of the night, dancing and having fun.

 This is me, tired and happy after a long day  with fun.
 Today  i`m staying in  and just relaxe.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Tomorrow is monday, i love mondays. New week!! :)

Big hug


Friday, October 7, 2011

A love story

This is Sunniva and Amine`s love story. Norway meets Paris.

This is my friend Sunniva and her husband Amine
In a park, in Paris, a girl was strolling around in a park, looking at flowers, stopped a little here and there swinging her bags and just enjoyed all the beaty around her. On a bench in that park sat Amine, he was looking at this girl who was swinging her bags bag and forth, almost like a child, looking around on all the beauty around her. Thinking "what a beautiful girl, i hope she`s gonna come this way".

She was coming near the bench he sat, he didn`t take the chance to let her pass him without talking with her, so he spoke to her, saying "hi you". Then it startd to rain so they both ran over to this restaurant that had big parasol outside. They spend rest of Sunniva`s vacation in Paris together. He\s from Paris she`s from Norway. Now this wednesday, they became husband and wife.


                 SUNNIVA AND AMINE

What a great day, what happy day. Love is beautiful, love is stronger than everything, believe in love. Wishing the two of you a long happy life together.

Sitting in that park, Amine played this song for Sunniva. In love, sitting in the sun listening to this song. Catch the feeling and wish them all the best :)


My best wishes to the two of you, i`m so happy for you!!! YAAAAY!!! Hurra!!!!!

Love Siv

Thursday, October 6, 2011

People we meet


On my way home from Chicago i had a long long conversation with this woman who was in the production of the television show Survive. She asked me what i had been doing in Chicago. I told her i have a chronic disease and met with others like me". She was very surprised and wanted to know more. i told her briefly my first six years without diagnose, my way from there to present time. "WOW" was her response,  and then she told me she had a good friend having Ch, and started to write down what might help him. Also she wanted to know about the psycological aspects, how to cope and live with this. She said to me "when i was in my early twenties i thought allot about my career and all the time i felt that other people didn`t do anything for me. Then i realized i didn`t do anything for myself or anyone else. I realized i needed to do things to get my life the way i wanted it. You understand that, that is good for you, better than you know". Then she asked me "if you never did get sick, if you could go in a time machine, what would you do"? I told her i would go see the world. All over the world, i would not worry so much about anything really and just live and explore the world, just excist.  She then aswered "well but your doing that now, you can`t go see the world in one day, you have to do piece by piece, like a puzzle, so your actually realizing what you dream of doing as a person not having a disease. And a person full of worries wouldn`t do that. How fantastic. Good for you". What a person, amazing person. I`m so grateful she said these things to me. Cause afterwards i have been thinking "wow yes"!!! How lucky we are to get to have conversations like this, we wouldn`t have if we never experienced CH.

Today i had visit from a girl i got to know many many years ago. Haven`t seen her for a long time now. She came in and was completely shocked and horrified over this patient they had in the ER. She works in the treatment unit in ER, she`s used to dramatic situations. But she was shocked, she told me nothing worked for this patient. I asked how the patient acted, since she was so horrified and my experience in ER is that they don`t care much..... She looked at me and said it was just so clearly this person was in horrible horrible pain and we couldn`t help. What she wandered about wich they didn`t understand was the fact that the patient refused any type of reg pain meds. After that day she started to ask doctors and older nurses thinking they been in ER for years and must have seen this before. She found ONE person who heard about CH before. ONE!! And everything she knew was O2 might do something. then she came to think of me. So today i showed her my OnDemand valve and talked about CH and what might help us. And i told about CB. LOL.

Feeling very lucky today. Very lucky. CH is a door opener.

Wishing everyone sweet dreams


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Night night


It`s been a good day today. Feeling tired in the end of the day, that`s  a change, good one, more to the normal i guess.

Happy to be alive :)

Night, sleep well.


Switching side


Don`t know what`s going on, had this ear thing going on for around 30 sec. Scared me a bit. Like pressure changes in my head or ear or something and i hear this sound like my eardrum is about to break. This is a typical high cycle thing for me, it could mean it`s ramping up, but since i have been peaking i would say it has  to mean it goes towards the end of high cycle. Or switches side. It`s like i have it going on both sides, but i do ok, i feel pretty good. Time will show. Continuing with D3.

A good friend of mine is leaving to Parice today. She met the love of her life in a park there. It`s like a fairytale. Visiting Paris she walked in a park to look around, she passed a man sitting on a bench and it was love at first sight. Romantic, so romantic. I wish them both well and a happy long life together.

Now it`s baking time :-)

Bye for now


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Happy and good night

http://youtu.be/lyQkZFi-ITc Just a nice song:)

HAPPY!! I`m happy and looking forward to wake up tomorrow:)
