About Me

I`m a chronic CH`er, living life and enjoying it. Want to share the life of a chronic.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Allot of Ch`ers and migraineurs tells me exercise is a huge trigger for them. It is for me as well, if i choose the wrong type. and why do i think it`s so important to exercise? Excercise raises bodys O2 levels  and if you do it regularly it will stay high and that`s a help in itself. It will give you an anti inflammatory effect and it make your body release Endophines http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endorphin, which is also released when you do something you enjoy. the thing with exercise is this, you may get a bit worse before you get better, it will give you an overall improvement to your daily life. i think when someone says exercise most think it has to be inside a gym, running that sort of activity. But it can be anything, as long as it leads to muscle contractions.

I used to run allot, long distances. But when i got the CH it started to trigger a hit, i found out that exercise that gave "hard landing" on the ground, like running was a huge trigger. So that would include Aerobic classes as well. For me i found exercise with your own body weight and spinning was a good thing. A gym usually ofer allot of different alternatives. Many says they get neck problems, stiff neck muscles when lifting weights. This was a problem for me as well. I found that i needed to strenghten my neck muscles with very light weights and over months i increased  the weights. But i needed to decrease the weights i used on my entire body, f ex squat and biceps also made my neck to get stiff. I needed to strenghten my entire core so i didn`t strain my neck, then i could use my core to hold it all up. Also i do daily stretch.

It may sound as this is very time consuming, it is not. Aprox 1-2 h around 4-5 days a week. that`s nothing. How many hours do people use watching TV in one week? And why give up if you get a little worsening of a type of exercise that doesn`t fit you? just do something else! Or make sure you pulse don`t go that high next time maybe? Did you drink enough water? Ask yourself, be aware of what your body tells you.

Have fun, that`s the most important part of it!! Dancing maybe, Zumba, Salsa, walk around the block and talk with your neighbours, whatever really!! Just find what is right for you and don`t give up!! Give it around three months at least.

Just do it :)



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