About Me

I`m a chronic CH`er, living life and enjoying it. Want to share the life of a chronic.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


I was in a wedding yesterday. Trond and Astrid got married in this church

This is Stavanger Cathedral.  Construction started 1100 and finished 1150.  It`s Norway`s oldest Cathedral placed in the middle of Stavanger. My hometown.

They were married dressed in bunad to keep tradition alive

Klikk for å se neste bilde

They canged to  "regular" wedding dresses for the dinner and party
This is not the actual couple, this is

Tbey looked beautiful together, they been togehter for 15 years.

All the best wishes to them!!!

Food was excellent and so was the party. There was a live band and dancing peoples.

For the first time in a long long time i stayed to the middle of the night, dancing and having fun.

 This is me, tired and happy after a long day  with fun.
 Today  i`m staying in  and just relaxe.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Tomorrow is monday, i love mondays. New week!! :)

Big hug


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